About this Website

About the site itself

So… this is a website. Looking around the Web it seems that everyone wants you to categorize everything with tags and genres and blah, but this site is mainly here because I wanted something to play around with and someplace to post the miscellaneous links and other interesting stuff I find throughout the Web (and making enough money with ads to pay for my hosting wouldn’t be a bad side effect) and so I don’t really know what “kind” of Website this is.

At the moment myself and 2-3 friends are the main contributors so the posts are going to be about topics which interest us, so expect posts on everything from Star Wars, Star Trek, Games, Fantasy and other “geek” topics to photography, Japanese culture and language, rabbits, toys and whatever other oddball things we may find lying around the Web or the insides of our heads.
This is my first attempt at messing with WordPress and PHP, and I am not exactly a CSS genius either, so don’t be too surprised if things turn up broken every once in awhile. It most likely means I was trying to “fix” something and got carried away. It is also entirely possible that things will move around to different parts of the site for awhile, until I am happy with the design. We’ll see how it goes.

Anyway, I’m not sure the site is going to be anything spectacular, but hopefully you’ll find something here to amuse or entertain you.

Thanks for stopping by!


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