Category Archives: Funny

Funny stuff that doesn’t fit in any of the other caterories

George Lucas Lord of the Rings

What if George Lucas made the LotR movies? Very funny, and dead on parody animation. Mind you, I’m not the biggest fan of the Peter Jackson movies either, but I really think Lucas has either lost his mind or just doesn’t give a shit anymore.

The Muppetrix

The matrix, but done by Jim Henson’s Muppets…

Top 10 Video Game Quotes

There are some other quotes I would add to this list, and at some point I will get around to posting about some of the great quotes I have seen go into games I personally worked on, but for now this is a pretty amusing list. Number 9: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PlayStation) “What […]

Weight Watchers Recipes Cards from the 70’s

We used to have this kind of stuff lying around my house (the cards, not the food thank god). They were always in bright orange translucent plastic containers, and no one ever seemed to know where they came from. Anyway, go visit to see some more horrors like the “Melon Mousse” and “Rosy Perfection […]

Beat Box Kitchen

Interesting video of a guy beatboxing but playing as if the sounds are food ingredients on a TV cooking show.

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